Mt Richard-Molard, Highpoint of Guinea and Cote D’Ivoire

Mt Richard Molard (1744m), Highpoint of Guinea and Cote D’Ivoire Dec 19-22, 2021 Eric, Kahler, Serge We were in West Africa climbing country highpoints over the Christmas break, with the goal of climbing and accurately measuring highpoint summit elevations. As far as I had researched, there have not been accurate… Continue reading

Highpoints of Ghana, Togo, and Benin

Leklata (900m), Ghana Highpoint Mt Atilakoutse (991m), Official Country Highpoint of Togo Mt Sokbaro (660m), Benin Highpoint Dec 12 – 16, 2021 Eric, Kahler, Serge Background There are a handful of countries in the world where the country highpoint is not known with certainty. For these countries generally there have… Continue reading

Most Remote Point in Alpine Lakes Wilderness By Packraft

Most Remote Point in Alpine Lakes Wilderness By Packraft Eric and Matthew Gilbertson Oct 22-24, 2021 35 miles (30 hiking, 5 packrafting) Matthew was visiting for the weekend and our goal was to packraft in some remote lakes and go fishing. The Alpine Lakes Wilderness is hard to beat for… Continue reading