Tieton, Ives, Old Snowy, Devils Horns, Bear Creek Mtn

Tieton (7,768ft), Ives (7,920ft), Old Snowy (7,880ft), Devils Horns (7,040ft), Bear Creek Mtn (7,337ft) Eric Gilbertson 26 miles, 10,500ft gain Oct 16, 3:30am – 6:30pm Southern Washington looked like it had some of the driest weather forecast for Saturday so I decided to climb a bunch of 7,000ft peaks in… Continue reading

Most Remote Point in Glacier Peak Wildernss

Most Remote Point in Glacier Peak Wilderness Oct 9, 2021, 12:30am – 11:30pm 48 miles (45 hiking, 3 biking), 14,000ft gain Eric Gilbertson I’m interested in visiting the most inaccessible and remote corners of Washington, and excellent candidates for these locations are the most remote points of wilderness areas. These… Continue reading

Lake Ethel

Lake Ethel Oct 2-3, 2021 Katie, Lily and I hiked up to Lake Ethel Saturday evening and found a great campsite near the lake. Sunday morning we hiked up to the ridge above Loch Eileen and saw lots of colorful yellow larches, before hiking back out.