Blake Island Highpoint

Blake Island Highpoint (213 ft)

On the shore of Blake Island

March 20, 2023

Eric Gilbertson

This peak has been on my radar for a while as an excellent use for my zodiac boat. Blake Island is an island in Puget Sound about 4 miles off the coast of west Seattle. The whole island is a state park and is serviced by a ferry. But, if you have your own boat, it is accessible on your own schedule.

Back in October 2022 I had tried to launch from Lincoln Park, but I couldn’t get the motor to start. I fought with it for an hour in the water then gave up. It turned out it was malfunctioning since I had carried it upside

Rowing back

down the previous weekend down to Ross Lake for another trip. I guess outboard motors are not designed to be carried miles upside down.

I got it repaired in the shop then was ready to try again. As before I drove to Lincoln Park, assembled the boat at the parking lot, then dragged it down on wheels and into the ocean. This time the motor started fine and I motored over to the island. The boat only goes about 5mph at full speed, so it took around an hour to get to the far side of the island.

The route

I dragged the boat on shore, then made the short hike and bushwack to the highpoint, amid some ferns shortly off the trail. I then returned to the boat.

My grand plan was to motor over to hit some other islands in the area, but I couldn’t get the motor to start. I fought with it for an hour, then gave up. This is why I have oars. For the next few hours I rowed back to Lincoln Park. It was kind of a lot of work fighting the wind and waves but I eventually made it.

I think the issue this time was I overfilled the motor oil past the high fill mark. Maybe eventually I’ll figure out all these little things that can make an outboard motor not start and eventually be have a motor that reliably works.

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